General Contributions

  • This form is for general, unrestricted, "use-as-needed" contributions to Friends of Boone County Arboretum and special case payments.
  • If you are making a memorial contribution, please do that on this other form.
  • Contributions to other funds or projects should be made via their specific forms, all of which are listed on our "Support the Arboretum" page.
  • You can also contribute by check, just write "general donation" on the memo line and mail to Friends of Boone County Arboretum, 9190 Camp Ernst Road, Union, KY 41091.


Select an amount *
Please consider checking this box to help offset credit/debit card processing fees.
All transactions are final and not refundable.
Total Amount
You can specify the number of installments, or you can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time.
On Behalf Of Organization
Supporter Info
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address
Additional / Optional Info
If this donation is in honor/memory of someone, please type their name here.
  • If there is an "I'm not a robot" box below, check it and complete the quick puzzle if it asks. This helps prevent spam robots from filling out false donations.
  • Then click the "Confirm Contribution" button to review and submit.